Monday, 9 April 2012

"Meet me under the whale in the Natural History Museum."

We are having a grand time in France and as you can see by all the new listings, we have found some great pieces for you. Loads of Psychedelic 60s Dresses which we hope you like? 

We found this beautiful neck piece, which Margaux experimented with, from the late 1800s the other day, so we thought we would set up some photographs for you! They remind me of an old dusty science lab or mysterious Victorian Natural History Museum. (Obviously I haven't been to one but you can imagine.)  Margaux's cat certainly was inquisitive what with all the birds, but Im sure she couldn't get her paws around that fish even if it was alive. I did tell her which led to her getting upset and walking off in a huff.

 We now have 970 admirers on our Etsy shop. Which we would like to THANK YOU for. Our entrance into the Vintage Clothing and Blogging world was very warmly welcomed and we are very grateful for all your lovely comments!!! When we reach 1000, we shall be having a 20% sale, so please keep the love coming! That 20% will be off EVERYTHING, including the Victorian Cape....

Donovan gave us inspiration for the title so here is an earlier version of 'Museum' for you to listen to.

I hope everyone had a lovely Easter, Joyeuses Pâques!

Alec & Margaux 



  1. Oh my GOD how did I miss this? It's HEAVENLY. I'm reblogging every image now :-D


  2. these photos are incredible - wow!! xo

  3. Post are very interesting,I really like your blog & the way you wriiten it ..
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  4. Really stunning photos! They look so editorial.

    Charmaine x
